At Luxe Pack Monaco, the German manufacturer of eco-responsible shopping bags, hard cases, folding cases, paper or woven pouches for luxury brands highlighted its new smooth single material kraft bag.
This 100% paper bag (with its paper tape handles) can replace coated paper without laminat
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Elena Bigio next to the Naunie's Confections Bakery Box outside of her home in Clinton. Bakery Box Packaging
Elena Bigio wante
August 16, 2022 12:05 ET | Source: FACT.MR FACT.MR
United States, Rockville MD, Aug. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to Fact.MR, a market research and competitive intellige
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It’s a familiar sight for many — a ground sprayer slowly making rounds in a field, applying pesticides to row crops to give producers the best chance of protecting crops from pests and seeing high yields at harvest. These ground sprayers, with booms that can be up to 120 feet wide, ar